In 1927, Colombian coffee growers came together to create an organization that would represent them nationally and internationally, and that would ensure their well-being and the improvement of their quality of life. Thus, was born the National Association of Coffee Growers of Colombia (FNC), considered today as one of the largest rural NGOs in the world.
Mission: To work for the well-being of Colombian coffee growers through an effective union, democratic and representative organization.
Vision: By 2027, at the FNC will consolidate themselves as a prosperous and effective union that works for an empowered coffee grower, who makes the best decisions for their economic and social development, respecting the environment.
What they do
In addition to representing the interests of Colombian coffee growers both nationally and internationally, The FNC does the following activities:
- Offer Colombian coffee growers the purchase guarantee
Through an extensive network of cooperatives – key allies – they guarantee producers the permanent purchase of their coffee at the best base market price, calculated transparently, paid in cash, in places close to their farms and throughout the entire year.
- Promote consumption of Colombian coffee
Their goal is to position Colombian coffee in the national and international markets as a great consumption experience because it is a product highly sought after by customers and final consumers. This is due to its high-quality standards and the wonderful stories behind Colombian coffee-growing families.
- Research and transfer of technology
Colombian coffee growers, through the FNC, have the National Coffee Research Center (Cenicafé), which generates competitive and sustainable knowledge and technologies focused on increasing productivity, competitiveness and profitability of the country’s coffee farming, which are then transferred to all coffee growers through the Extension Service.
- Development of rural extension
Through educational processes and through the Extension Service they make transfer of technology to coffee growers easier, contributing to profitability of coffee farming and the well-being of producers, their families and communities, promoting participation in technical, economic, environmental and social programs.
- Management of partnerships and projects with excellence
Thanks to the efficiency and transparency with which the FNC executes projects for coffee growers in the economic, social, environmental and governance dimensions, they have become a key partner of public and private, national and international entities in implementing projects that impact the well-being and development of large rural areas of the country.
- Guarantee Colombian coffee quality
By delegation of the national Government and in accordance with Law 9 of 1991, Chapter XIII of Decree 1165 of 2019, provisions of Decree 1714 of 2009 of the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, and Regulatory Resolution No. 05 of 2015 of the National Coffee Growers Committee, the FNC is the entity in charge of keeping the National Register of Coffee Exporters and establishing the requirements for registration of roasters, millers and soluble coffee factories in Colombia.
- Implementation of projects with excellence
Because of the FNC effectiveness and transparency in managing and implementing development projects, national and international organizations see them as a strategic partner, channelling important resources for projects that impact the four dimensions of their value creation strategy. This has allowed them to substantially leverage their own resources with those from other sources to further enhance this management.
In 2018 FNC created the Projects Factory, where innovation, project structuring and management of partnerships with third parties converge for financing and realizing initiatives that contribute to the FNC value creation strategy. The partnerships are managed nationally and internationally with public and private actors, not only to raise funds, but to access intangibles such as new knowledge and capacity to influence key issues in the coffee sector.
Sustainable Strategy
At the FNC we they seek to make coffee, in the short, medium and long term, a profitable business that contributes to the economic and social development of coffee-growing families, always favouring protection of natural resources. Their sustainability proposition is developed in four fundamental dimensions, each with a specific strategic objective:
- Economic dimension: Contributing to the profitability of coffee growers.
- Environmental dimension: Promoting environmental sustainability throughout the whole coffee production value chain.
- Social dimension: They seek social and production development and inclusion of coffee-growing families and communities.
- Governance dimension: They are a democratic and participatory union that allows coffee producers in the most diverse regions of the country to communicate and solve their problems through collective action, facilitated by an organizational structure that includes union governing bodies and the FNC administration. Taking into account that they are a union entity, strengthening the FNC unity is crucial; that is why this dimension is the base of their sustainability pyramid.
Sustainable development goals
Along with a materiality update, FNC also analyzed their contribution to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). After a review of the SDGs, the national goals established in Conpes 3918 of March 15, 2018 and the actions and programs carried out, contributions were identified in 15 of the 17 goals, which were related to the material topics defined in the previous exercise. The following figure shows which SDGs they are contributing to.
Finally, the FNC acts within the framework of the highest values, ethical principles and international standards; they have an organizational culture with a high vocation of service to Colombian coffee growers. Their governance model, policies, rules and procedures enable them to be an organization recognized for its transparent actions and commitment to creating value to its different stakeholders. As a democratic and participatory union, they solve their challenges at the national, departmental and municipal levels through concerted and collective action.